Biserka Šuran
Het proces is de les / The Process is the Lesson is a collection of works in progress. In her practice as a filmmaker Biserka Šuran has traditionally focused on the end result, particularly the moment when a film is shown in theaters. Over the course of the last year she has embraced a shift toward valuing the process—working in stages, experimenting, and allowing time and space for projects to evolve and develop organically. The installation shown includes the experimental short De WasWals / The Washing Waltz, the video sculpture Type Machine, and an exploratory montage of her upcoming hybrid documentary Grandpa’s Story.
Biserka Šuran is a Dutch-Croatian filmmaker whose approach to the medium of film, particularly documentary, is distinguished in its mixing of the personal and the social in an unusual, authentic form. The themes she addresses in her work are diverse, often starting from a personal fascination. Her films have explored topics such as domestic violence among men, neighborhood relationships and her own family’s story of forced migration. Reflecting the influence of her background on her filmmaking she notes: “My bi-cultural identity shapes my perspective and therefore my work.”