Charles Pas


Charles is a physical and visual theatre maker. His work exists somewhere in the intersection of performance, absurd theatre and magical realism. Pas either directs or performs in his own pieces, in which the audience is thrown into a timeless no in-between spaces. His work consists of theatrical translations of the inner worlds of his characters by the interplay of dreams and reality. Pas creates emotional non-linear journeys characterized by melancholy, humor and the urge for the unknown. These qualities make his work culminate in systems; shaped by repetition, virtuos movement and soundtracks that guide the watcher through different worlds. Pas wants to move and confuse the viewer by presenting them with an absurd version of banal reality.


This work is a live study of interaction and deals with the current struggle of society with connection, in a world where detachment and seclusion are omnipresent. Pas takes advantage of the location where the performance was set and creates an unsatisfactory waiting area; the waiting and searching for this ‘something’ persists. Lonely, blocked and confused individuals try to maintain brief moments of connection for as long as possible. However, they fall ever deeper into a pit of ignorance. They lost something. What rules do they need to look each other in the eye, transparently and empathically? Can they let go of their own insecurity and come together?